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100% peace of mind for suspicious optic discs

Our service

We provide rapid, remote, expert review of asymptomatic, suspicious optic discs, including

  • swollen optic discs
  • pale optic discs

Our clients are: patients, optometrists, doctors and hospitals.

We help to reduce:

  • anxiety for patients
  • waiting-times for patients
  • risk of litigation for optometrists and doctors
  • demand on over-stretched NHS eye emergency services
  • unnecessary referrals to NHS neuro-ophthalmology clinics

We use

  • neuro-ophthalmology experts
  • efficient and safe protocols
  • industry-leading cybersecurity

Our expertise

Our experts are all Consultant Neuro-Ophthalmologists with years of experience in the NHS assessing and managing suspicious optic discs. They are all UK trained and UK based.

Enjoy 100% peace of mind for suspicious optic discs

We are a specialist solution to the high-risk problem of suspicious optic discs. Our business is taking this problem off your hands.